Saturday, August 4, 2012

Does the flipped classroom work?

So it has been a long time since I have posted, but I wanted to revisit the flipped classroom and some research I did about it...

I’m sure by now most teachers have heard about the flipped classroom. If not, it is a new way of teaching by having students watch videos that are “lectures” at home and then all of the homework type activities or projects are done in the classroom. It allows the teacher to get more one on one time with students and allow for more projects in the class. Last fall I did a case study about the flipped classroom discussing what it is and the advantages/disadvantages for implementation. Back then the idea was still gaining popularity and there weren’t many teachers who were implementing it into their classroom yet. As time went on I keep seeing teachers post about it in my twitter feed, so I wonder if it is really effective in raising student achievement. I wanted to research this, especially with a new school year coming up and the possibility of implementing it.

The science teacher in me wants to see data. I researched some results of student achievement using this strategy. The first article I came across was from edweek which showed positive results. It is from a school in Detroit in which the whole school implemented the model. After doing the flipped classroom they found a decrease in the failure rate from 50% of freshmen failing English to 19% and in math it went from 44% to 13%. There is a great infographic that sums up what the flipped classroom is and the results of the study. The next article I found from edudemic showed results from a survey of how teachers felt about using the flipped classroom and who is using it. It does not show student achievement, it is more focused on the attitude of teachers and students toward the concept which I think is important for successful practice. Again the results were positive showing a positive attitude towards the flipped classroom, here’s another infographic of the results.

However, there are challenges to using the flipped classroom that are also noted by educators. In a blog post by Charles Perry, he points out that the structure of the flipped classroom may confuse students, or the accountability of students “doing their homework” or staying on task in class may be difficult to assess. But he points out that there are organizations trying to overcome these potential issues such as MentorMob and Kahn Academy.

The challenges of using the flipped classroom are also not just about logistics or engagement, but the overall paradigm of what we want to teach our students. When implementing the flipped classroom, it cannot be just about using your old homework worksheets in class and sending the lecture home with them. The students need to be working on 21st century skills. In a blog by Jackie Gerstien Ed. D, she points out two problems with using the flipped classroom:

           1. If video lectures drive the instruction, it is just a repackaging of a more traditional model of didactic learning. It is not a new paradigm nor pedagogy of learning.
           2. Educators need to be re-educated as to what to do with the class time that previously was used for their lectures.

If teachers are not trained on how to use the extra class time effectively, then the paradigm of education stays the same, which is not advantageous for our students who need to be learning 21st century skills and not just given more class time to focus primarily on content.

Overall, the flipped classroom is an improvement on current practices in education if the right tools are available. If a school can help students who do not have internet at home get access to the videos (some use DVD’s of the videos), then the flipped classroom does have the potential to change education for the better. If the teacher learns how to use the classroom time effectively and engages students in using the time to focus on problem solving, collaboration, and research skills, then the flipped classroom can improve student’s performance and potentially reduce the amount of students who are failing in school.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Socrative: Why use this free teacher clicker?

Here is a report I did about, a free teacher clicker you can use to get instant feedback on student's progress in an engaging way. Check it out!

(sorry if there is awkward pausing, I tried to fix it, if the talking stops, just click on the next button)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Gaming in the classroom

Here's a prezi I did about a solution to capture the love students have for playing games in their free time...and that solution is to play games in the classroom! Check out why using games can keep kids engaged and help them problem solve...

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays!

I just want to wish everyone well, have a great holiday and a Happy New Year!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gesture Based Learning through the Kinect

     Gesture based computing in the classroom refers to using devices that can track movements for the purpose of teaching a concept or skill. Devices that use gestures include the iphone/ipad/ipod or any other tablet/touch device, and motion sensor platforms like the Wii or Kinect. According to the horizon report, in 4-5 years gesture based learning should be a part of the classroom of the future. Development of applications is still in progress, however, some schools are starting to use devices like the kinect to engage and teach their learners.

      As I started to do research about the kinect for one of my classes, I couldn't help but be excited about the potential of the applications for learning. Students can maniuplate objects in a virtual world. In the science classroom, student could do physics type activities where they can "throw" objects or "push and pull" them and take measurements based on their own physical movements. They could "zoom in" on objects or living things to "see" the complexity of the molecules that make them up such as zoom in on a human and seeing the different layers of an organ from the tissue to the cells. There are many applications that could be develop for other content areas such as math, social studies, english, and the arts.

      I made a short video below that discusses the ways motion sensor computing could be used. It includes more examples of how the kinect can be used. I also created a "glog" website about using the kinect in the classroom and includes applications for special needs and literacy.

Now we need people out there to develop learning applications with these devices. 

I really want a kinect now! :)


Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Flipped Classroom Case Study

Here's a blog/vlog about the flipped classroom. The flipped classroom is newer concept in education that involves taking the lecture part of class and making it homework by having students watch it via vodcasting at home. Then they have more time in class to do activities and projects and more time for one on one teacher time. I had heard about it through some teachers on my twitter feed and would like to try it out next school year. I made a presentation discussing what it is and the advantages and disadvantages of the flipped classroom. I consider it to be an innovation in teaching. Would you use the flipped classroom?

Check it out-

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Personal Learning Environment and Networks Exposed!

        Having a personal learning network has allowed me to learn from others from around the world and share ideas. My personal learning network that I started to develop at the end of summer has grown significantly. When trying to diagram these connections, I knew I wanted to separate the networks and environments into general categories. When I checked out the EdTechPost’s wiki that shows others PLN diagrams, I was a little overwhelmed by some of them. There are so many connections people have made and it was hard to follow some of them. I liked the ones that were simplified, yet still represented their connections without going into arrow overkill. 

      Martin Weller’s diagram is nice because it categorizes the networks. I also liked the use of the logos/pictures, it makes it visually friendly and the fact that he is part of the center of it all demonstrates that all of these tools make up what how he learns and stays connected. I also liked Chris Dukes PLN with the circles crossing each other. Many of the tools that are out there are not just used for one purpose, but can cross categories and his diagram represent’s this. So after checking out the EdTechPost’s wiki, it seems my PLN diagram would fit under user/action oriented because those seem like they are based more on categorization of the networks and how the tools are used.

      So far I find my personal learning network sufficient for me. However, I would like more people join these networks that relate to my field, especially people who teach science to my demographic of students. It would be nice to get different perspectives and relate to others who share what I go through each day trying to teach science to students who are not at reading level and are from low-income families. It would be great if the teachers I worked with would embrace networking so we have more “eyes” searching the world for ideas. For now, I have been getting better at finding sources for information and for entertainment as well.

          When I first started to develop my diagram, I was thinking of just having myself in the center and my networks shooting of it. However, as I started to think about how I use these tools, I realized that for me, it’s not that simple. That many of them are related to not just how I learn, but how I share. I considered this collaboration, learning from others and others learning from me to reach our goals of improving our practices of teaching. So I changed how I set up my diagram and included a Venn diagram (I actually did this before I noticed Dukes circles) to represent how these tools relate to each other. I also felt it would be nice to include a snapshot of how I use some of these tools. It helps with preventing the “arrow” overkill I mentioned earlier. I think some people just list every single thing they use and how they use it, I thought about providing examples. However, now I am going beyond just showing connections on a diagram, so I thought I would make this into a video that represented the ways I network. I used prezi to set up the diagram and just showed snapshots of networking in action. So check out the video above and I also have the diagram in prezi to view, but it doesn’t have the “snapshots” of my networking in action. But if you click on it and zoom out you can see the whole diagram as one. It was fun to make this!